Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My Tax Strategy©

I am not in the law school, but I have mixed feelings about this article. One side of me thinks, hey that's a great idea, the other side has a desire to quote Senge.

"As the American tax law gets more and more complicated, lawyers have come up with one more way to make life difficult for taxpayers: Now you may face a patent infringement suit if you use a tax strategy that someone else thought of first."

"Why would Congress pass a law allowing such a thing? The answer is that it did not. But a U.S. appeals court ruled in 1998 that business methods could be patented, and since then the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued 50 tax- strategy patents, with many more pending."

Original Article


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is "the law school" like "the google"?

11:30 AM  

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